Saturday, May 7, 2016

Are you ready to get "Summer Strong?"

We have LESS than 30 days until school is out for the summer, the pools are open and we will be officially in SUMMER!!  Crazy right?  So less than 30 days to really take control over your health and fitness!


Summer is my favorite time of year!  I love getting outside with my boys, enjoying the sun, and going to the pool.  But I also know it's full of temptations!  Lots of traveling, BBQs, yummy cocktails, sweet treats and temptations!  All of those things can really set you back from reaching your health and fitness goals....and from feeling like the most CONFIDENT version of yourself!

But I have figured out how to survive the summer months without feeling deprived, without feeling bloated and by enjoying myself!  It's all about balance and I want to teach you how to do it to!

My Summer Strong fitness challenge is starting on May 16th.  And I'm going to teach you tips on how you can enjoy your summer and really focus on your health and fitness.  I will teach you how to...

==>> Go on vacation and still maintain your progress
==>> How to eat SMART when you go to a restaurant
==>> Healthy summertime recipes and snacks
==>> Meal Planning
==>>  Daily accountability and motivation
==>> 30 Minute workouts and MORE

You will get support from me in a small, closed group all run through an app on your phone.  I will walk you through your fitness program so that you get the results that you want!  No more workouts collecting dust, no wasting money on fitness programs that you don't complete.  Now is the time!  No more waiting!  If I can get my body back after two babies and can you!


Can you commit?  Are you in?  If so, fill out the application below for all the details!  We will start on May 16th and space is limited!!

==>> Application:


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