About 7 years ago when I was pregnant with my first son, I started having thyroid issues. I was later diagnosed with Hashimotos, a auto immune disease where your body attacks your thyroid. My doctor put me on synthetic hormones and I thought that would be the end of it. False!! My thyroid function fluctuates daily, which means so do my symptoms. Some days I feel super achy, fatigued, have major brain fog, have problems remembering things, I’m sensitive to hot/cold, and get major anxiety. And other days I feel fine! Over the years my symptoms have gotten worse and more frequent. It’s so frustrating!
My friend sent me an article by the Medical Medium. He talks a lot about improving thyroid function naturally...I’m all about natural solutions. And one of his biggest recommendations he has is to drink 16oz of pure celery juice daily on an empty stomach. It honestly is pretty gross...and I’ve had to add some apple to mine while I get used to the flavor. But the benefits are mind blowing. It helps prevent cancer, lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, reduce inflammation in your body, improves digestion, treats insomnia, and hydrates skin. And the biggest benefit for me is that it can help heal my thyroid.
I will keep you posted on how I feel, but I have noticed two things within the first couple weeks. First, I've been sleeping SO much better! I have been sleeping throughout the night with out a problem (well as long as one of my three kids doesn't wake up...ha!). It's crazy! I didn't realize that I wasn't sleeping that good until I started drinking this and I have been waking up feeling so rested!! And second, mental clarity! My biggest complaint with Hashimoto's has been brain fog! But the past couple weeks I feel like I can think more clearly!
It's still really early in my journey with celery juice, so I will keep you posted! And I also plan to start a "heavy metals detox" smoothie! So I will give you more info on that in the next couple weeks!
Want more info? Check on the link below to read the article from the Medical Medium's website!
CLICK HERE - Why drink celery juice?
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