Join a Fitness Challenge!

What is a fitness challenge?
Every month, I host an online fitness challenge!  So WHAT does that mean?! When joining a challenge group, you will be committing to 30 days (or more) of health and fitness. Either I will pick a fitness program that we all do together, or you will pick one that best fits your goals! From there, we will all join the group, completely run virtually through social media! I share with you fitness tips, meal plans, and snack ideas, all while giving you the accountability and encouragement you need to reach your goals. You'll be able to check in after every workout, share your triumphs, and maybe some struggles, as we all support each other as a fitness family! The groups are full of fun and prizes for the full 30 days! My challengers lose anywhere from 5-15 pounds in just 30 days! Who wouldn't want to do this?!

Why should I join one?
Sometimes, it's hard to get the support you need at the gym. Not to mention, how many of us have gone to the gym, only to walk in circles not knowing exactly what to do, so we leave feeling frustrated and discouraged. I know I have!! When joining these groups, everything is simply laid out for you. It makes achieving your goals easy and fool proof! As I said above, you will receive inside tips and tricks I have picked up along the way, as well as support directly from me, one-on-one! I want to help you. I will not let you fail. And sometimes, having somebody in your corner, makes all the difference. I want to do this together!

What do I get?

  • A year-long online Gym Membership with access to hundreds of workout programs for all fitness levels ($99 value)
  • Custom Meal Plan with Portion Control Containers 
  • First 30-days worth of our daily super food shake! ($130 value)
  • Ongoing discounted memberhip ($40 value)
  • Daily coaching and support to help you reach your goals
  • Access to my online Fit Community for support and accountability
  • Eligibility to win weekly prizes!

Are you in?! CLICK TO HERE JOIN!


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